Becky Falls

Opening hours
See website for details
Tel. 01647 221 259
Becky Falls first opened to the public in 1903 and has been attracting and inspiring poets, writers, painters and visitors ever since, including Rupert Brooke and Virginia Woolf, both of whom stayed here. But its history goes much further than that.
Today's visitors tend to arrive by car or foot (although we're sure many would welcome the return of horse-drawn buses!) but they still come in search of the same woodland valley. The Becky Falls Woodland Park you see today, aside from the cafeteria/gift shop area, has remained relatively unchanged throughout that time. Some visitors come to see what is often described as one of the most scenic and untouched areas of Dartmoor, a hidden, tranquil valley in which wildlife and woodland thrive. Others bring children to enjoy the exhilarating combination of animals and adventure and to find a traditional setting of rivers and woodland in which to picnic, relax, climb over boulders, get soaked or just to wander in a setting where the past does not seem so far behind. Some come to sit on a carpet of bluebells and ponder a magical, mystical, spiritual place of whispered fables and pixie tales of old to inspire the senses and imagination.