
Opening hours
3 March - 18 July 10:30 - 5 on Weds to Sun.
20 July - 31 August 10:30 - 5 Tues. to Sun.
1 September - 31 October 10:30 - 5 Weds. to Sun.
Greenway has been an important Devon property for over 500 years. There have been a number of interesting owners over this period, each leaving their mark on the estate we treasure today. The most famous being Mrs. Mallowan, between 1938 and 1959, better known as Agatha Christie. She could not resist buying Greenway. With her husband Max, who was later knighted for his services to archaeology, they became very attached to the place. It became their holiday home. Both were keen gardeners, ordering from Veitch, Treseder and Hillier. Even after the outbreak of war, Max continued listing wild flowers in the garden.
The visit to Greenway will take around three hours and you will be allocated timed tickets to the house on arrival. On busy days, you may have to wait for up to two hours to gain entry, during which time you will be able to enjoy the garden, barn gallery, café and shop.