Westcountry Wildlife Safaris
Opening hours
Please call 01409 211578
Tel. 01409 211578
If you are visiting the West Country, or are a resident, why not try a wildlife safari. These operate through the evenings of the summer months. The woodland hides and expert wildlife guides offer a unique opportunity to view some of Devon's most elusive mammals. Come and see a family of European beavers from the woodland hide in “beaver valley”. An introductory talk will give you an insight to the lifestyle, history and folklore of this fascinating animal. This will be followed by a walk through a natural hay meadow to view a beaver family emerging from their sunken burrow at dusk. European beavers have been reintroduced to Scotland and this family group on our organic farm is now one of the first to live wild in England. On a nearby farm another hide offers excellent opportunities to view a wild badger colony in their ancient woodland sett. Bats and perhaps even barn owls are likely to be encountered on the walk from the hide as they emerge from their day roosts to hunt. Evening safaris to view red and roe deer are also possible by arrangement and all tours start from Upcott Grange Farm at 6pm with a short introductory talk. All bookings must clarify what species you wish to view advance. For further details please call 01409 211578