Tavy Consols Mine, Devon
Calstock: grid reference SX468688
Notable minerals: Chalcopyrite.
Previously known as Hocklake Mine, the mine dates from the early 1720's, producing 16.5 tons of copper ore in 1723. The mine is located on the border between Cornwall and Devon some two miles east of Calstock. The mine was a producer of copper, tin, pyrite and arsenopyrite ores.
Production records report that in the periods 1852-79 and 1888-91 - 3,070 tons of 5.5% copper ore and 172 tons of pyrite as well as 3,530 tons of mispickel (arsenopyrite).
Other nearby mines and their main ores
Lady Bertha (approx. 0.3 km; COPPER, TIN, ARSENIC & ARSENOPYRITE)
Little Duke Mine (approx. 0.7 km; Output)
East Lady Bertha (approx. 0.9 km; COPPER, PYRITE & Mispickel)
South Lady Bertha (approx. 1.1 km; COPPER)
Virtuous Lady (approx. 1.1 km; COPPER, TIN & PYRITE)
Bedford Consols (approx. 1.3 km; COPPER)
William and Mary (approx. 1.5 km; COPPER & PYRITE)
Gawton (approx. 1.6 km; COPPER, TIN & ARSENIC)
Devon and Cornwall United (approx. 1.6 km; COPPER)
George and Charlotte Mine (approx. 1.6 km; COPPER & PYRITE)
Mining Database

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